242 - Best Of 2023 (Part 2)
Aug 19, 2024
Now that 2023 has come to an end we look back one more time on another amazing year of She Slays the Day. So many great conversations had, nuggets of wisdom shared, friendly debates argued, and through it all we hope that the 50 episodes put out this year provided immense value for you, be it for your practice, your chiro career, your side hustles, your family life, your personal development, or anywhere in between!
We end the year with two best of episodes to highlight a few guests and episodes that went above and beyond in the value department and received such great feedback and engagement from you the listeners that we just had to share them one more time.
This best of sample platter of an episode makes for an amazing first experience with She Slays the Day, so if you’ve been meaning to share the podcast with a friend or colleague there is no better episode to do it with than this one!
In this second and final Best Of episode, Dr. Lauryn kicks things off with some thoughts on the year ahead before diving into our five best of representatives and their segments, details of which are below. Enjoy!
From E229: Dr. Amy Haas on Evidence Based vs Evidence Informed Research
Follow Dr. Amy: LinkedIn | Website
Check out the full episode with Dr. Amy: Spotify | Apple
From E207: Samantha Varner on Being the Salesperson of Your Business
Follow Samantha: Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn
Check out the full episode with Samantha: Spotify | Apple
From E203: Ben Tapper on Why Chiros Need to Stand Up and Fight for Their Place in the Medical Community
Follow Dr. Ben: Facebook | Twitter
Check out the full episode with Dr. Ben: Spotify | Apple
From E199: Stephanie Walter on Explaining Money Myths
Follow Stephanie and Erbe Wealth: Facebook | LinkedIn
Check out the full episode with Stephanie: Spotify | Apple
From E213: Kim Rogers on What the Cleanse process is Actually Like
Follow Kim: TikTok | Instagram
Check out the full episode with Kim: Spotify | Apple
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