290 - Mastering Time Management: Breaking Free from the Daily Task List Trap feat. Megan Sumrell
Dec 09, 2024
Why does it feel like there’s never enough time in the day? Are daily task lists actually keeping us from accomplishing what really matters? In this episode, Dr. Lauryn sits down with time management expert Megan to uncover the hidden traps in traditional productivity methods and how to break free from the cycle of overwhelm. Whether you're a business owner, a parent, or simply trying to balance it all, Megan shares actionable strategies to help you reclaim your time and find true harmony in your life.
Together, they discuss why daily task lists can create decision fatigue, the importance of weekly planning, and how to integrate personal and professional priorities into a sustainable schedule. Topics include the dangers of “time debt,” how to identify and address energy peaks, and why prioritizing yourself is the secret to long-term success. Megan also shares insights from her proprietary TOP Program, designed to help women worldwide create realistic plans and take back control of their calendars.
Megan is the CEO and founder of The Pink Bee and a globally recognized time management and planning expert. With over 20 years of corporate IT and leadership experience, she’s helped over 15,000 women implement her proprietary TOP Program, a system that teaches realistic planning and effective time management. Megan is a sought-after keynote speaker and frequent contributor to platforms like The Today Show and Real Simple. Through her workshops and program, Megan empowers women to escape overwhelm, master their schedules, and thrive in today’s fast-paced world.
Download Megan’s app, The Pink Bee, in the app store to explore her programs.
Listen to Megan’s podcast, Work Life Harmony: Spotify | Apple
Follow Megan: Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn
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